
Friday 12 December 2014

The End

   My short story unit ended up being extended into a larger task. I was excited about the desire to write! Many students approached me saying they would like to attempt a short story of their own, so that is what we have been working on all week. Today, most of the students had a first draft to share with a peer and get feedback. The good copy is due on Monday. 

I will be looking for:

1. All rough work
2. Good Copy of Story
3. Visual of the setting of the story (could be a drawing or a digital version)
4. Peer feedback form
5. Assignment sheet

I will be asking the students to read part of their story for the class. 

One more week to go! 

 Christmas Baskets are due on Tuesday 

Christmas Dance ticket sales have been extended to Monday and Tuesday of next week. The dance is at risk of being cancelled!

Friday 5 December 2014

Short Stories- QUIZ ON MONDAY


The grade 7 class has been working through the short story unit. We have spent a lot of time talking about the parts of a story. On Monday the students will be writing a short story quiz in which they will be asked to define some of the terms on the short story handout they received. 

Examples: Protagonist, antagonist, types of conflict, metaphor, simile, personification

They will also be reading a short story and filling out a plot graph like the one above. It is exactly like the one they filled out for Pricilla and the Wimps. 

 Hope you have a great weekend!