
Tuesday 24 February 2015

Chapter 7, 8 and 9

   We have been continuing to read our novel and find different ways to explore the themes. Last week we spent some time working on our first independent literature circle assignment based on Chapter 7. The students impressed me by coming prepared to class Friday and presenting their job to their group. They will have a chance to complete 2 more of the roles. One for chapter 9 and one in chapter 12.    
Aiden presenting his questions

Powtoon for his presentations

Slide show for this presentation had them all huddled! 

Ask your child what chapter this scene might be from!?!
                               Image result for the outsiders fire at the church

    This week the students have a Simile and Metaphor assignment due on Wednesday, and  we will be working on some vocabulary tasks to prepare for the upcoming quiz on chapters 7. 8 and 9. The quiz will be on Wednesday of next week. 

    Students are reminded to keep up all their chapter questions and journal entries as we move through the novel. They will have a final evaluation of their duotang work.