
Thursday 2 April 2015

Image result for the outsiders

All Done with The Outsiders.....

  The grade 7 students finished the novel the week before March break. We were able to watch the movie together last week and the student all agreed that the book was better!

  I have their duotangs and will be working through them for their final marks from this unit.

  On to new and exciting things!


What influences you?

On to new and exciting things!  We started the week by looking at a group of 8 advertisements. The students have voted on their top 5 and they are posted on our bulletin board.

Image result for the outsiders
       I have shared a document with them on  GOOGLE DOCS and have asked them to fill out their own personal order for the top 5 and why they feel the way they do. Throughout the unit I would like them to look at this nomination form and add to it while we build criteria. 

     This week we spent time exploring the things around us that might have an influence on how we think or feel. We talked about a variety brands and logos. We created a list of the top 10 brand names in our class. The grade 7's have been challenged to survey a group of students their age and come to class on Tuesday with a complete bar graph based on their findings. Their goal should be to have at lease 20-30 votes!

       We also watched a documentary entitled, All The Right Stuff. Ask your child what it was about. What did they take from the 20 minute film. 

1. Bar Graph on the top 10 brands
2. Transfer your thoughts from the hard copy you filled out in class about the AD Oscar nominations to the google doc I shared with you

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