
Friday 16 January 2015


On Monday we spent time reviewing the chapter questions that were assigned as homework. I was glad to see that most students had completed the questions and were ready to move on to the next chapter.
      We will be reading the novel in class together, but if a student misses class, they are expected to catch up with the reading on their own time. Here are the links for Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 being read out loud incase that would be helpful.

     On Monday I also introduced an assignment entitled, "Tuff".  The word "Tuff" is explained by our narrator, Ponyboy in chapter 1. The students are being asked to create a collage or slide show about what they consider to be "Tuff".  These will be presented on Monday next week. If students are completing this assignment online, they are asked to share it with me as a google doc OR send it to me by email before Monday's class. Really looking forward to being educated on what is "Tuff" to 12 year olds these days!


     We have had the pleasure of having a grade 11 GPP student with us over the semester. Her name is Katie. On Wednesday she ran Grammar Jeopardy with our class and they seemed to really enjoy the game! Thanks Katie!

Friday, I was away and the students were asked to complete a character study based on Johnny Cade. They also received a vocabulary sheet. I would expect that both of these sheets as well as the Chapter 2 questions are complete for a homework check on Monday. All sheets should all be  their duotangs

  1. "Tuff" assignment due on Monday morning. Presentations taking place during our first block together. 
  2. Chapter 2 questions to be completed by Monday
  3. Johnny Cade worksheet will be part of my overall portfolio check in
  4. Vocabulary definitions will be included in a Chapter 1-3 quiz taking place in the near future. Please ensure worksheet is completed with effort!

7/8 Activity Day sheets due this week!!