
Saturday 10 January 2015

Happy New Year! In our grade 7 English class 2015 started with a look back to the 1960's. The students and I listened to the Beatles, talked about the civil rights movement and looked at different images from the decade of the setting for our new novel study, The Outsiders.

We have started our new novel this week, The Outsiders.

Will is ready to share his knowledge of the novel!

Who, what, where, when, why???

Images sparked interesting discussions.

We read the first chapter of the book as a class and started a personal portfolio for this unit. The students have been assigned three tasks over the weekend:
1. Complete any unfinished worksheets from class 
         ie. pre-reading sheets
2. Chapter 1 questions
3. Start character chart and review the descriptions of each character described in chapter 1.

Ask your child about some of the slang words that we have come across in the novel already. 

Have a great weekend!

All of the 7/8 classes will be sent home permission forms for a Winter activity day at the end of the month. The 7/8 staff has been working hard to plan a fun day for the students!