
Friday 12 September 2014

Meet the parents! 
       Thank you to all the parents who came to see me on Tuesday night. Meet the teacher night is always very busy but I was glad to connect and answer some questions. Please know that if you have personal questions or comments you can always reach me by email (

       Much of this week was spent finishing our All About Me assignment. On Monday they revised and edited their paragraphs so they were ready to be published (good copy). This is often a very difficult part of the writing process for young writers but an important skill to practice.  This chart helps the students understand what they need to think about when they are reflecting on what they have written:

                                                    Revising and Editing Chart: ARMS & CUPS I used this one when I worked and the students understood it.

      The students have impressed me with their public speaking! Many of them were quite nervous but were able to  take a risk and share a little bit about themselves. I have enjoyed reading over the paragraphs and looking at the shirt designs they came up with. 

Some examples:

Next week we will be looking closer at what makes a good paragraph. To get ready for next week students should think about the following questions:

- What is a topic sentence?
- What is a concluding sentence?
- How do we ensure a paragraph that we write is unified and coherent? 


- Bring a book for independent reading time on Monday during our double block. 

- Pat yourself on the back for the presentations this week! Great work grade 7's!