
Friday 26 September 2014

Write, write, write, write........

    After spending time reviewing our paragraphs about the beach and looking at transition words to use between the ideas we moved on to writing our own paragraphs. 
    Students were give 2-3 periods of class time to write. They were asked to choose between 5 topics and make it their own. We have some interesting ideas! On Friday we went to the computer lab to type it up. As most of us know, computers can be both our greatest friends and our most frustrating enemies! For the most part, students got logged on and started typing but we will visit the lab again on Monday and hopefully be able to print. I will then be asking the student to do some peer editing before handing in the final copy for evaluation. You can ask your son or daughter to see their paragraph and go over the content.
OVER THE WEEKEND!!! Can you please ensure your school email is working properly. If our printer is not functional on Monday I will ask the students to share their work with me in Google Docs.

Have a great weekend!

Next week week we are excited about the JAG JOG event on Tuesday!! Remember to bring in your  $$$ and be ready to participate in this fun day!

We will participating in something called the GLOBAL READ ALOUD. You can click on the link on the side of the page to learn more. The book we will be reading is called The Fourteenth Goldfish and I have connected with a teacher in California. I am looking forward to this experience!