
Friday 5 September 2014


We did it! We made it through our first week of grade 7 with smiles on our faces. The students have impressed me with their knowledge of my SMART board, good focus during silent reading time and their desire to do well on our first writing assignment.

  What did we do in our 3 short classes together?

 Started to talk about the steps of the writing process

                         Pre-writing- BRAINSTORMING- ORGANIZING THOUGHTS
                         First Draft- GET IT DOWN ON PAPER
                         Revising- GETTING IT GOOD

Students are writing a paragraph about themselves that they will be sharing with the class. Next week they are going to be asked to create a visual representation of themselves through a T-Shirt design based on the paragraph they have written. Bring markers and pencil crayons!


 Bring a book from home for silent reading. Something you want to read! Thank you to those who have have done this already.

Bring pencil crayons or markers for the visual portion of the assignment.

Sign up for Remind at  Class Code: suther7

                              A picture of my two girls heading to their first day of S/K and grade 1