
Friday 14 November 2014

November 10-14

    The majority of our class time this week was spent on our Biography assignment that was posted below. I have been very happy with the effort put forward by the grade 7 class and am looking forward to the final products coming in on Monday. I think that the novel really sparked the students' interest and made researching these famous figures exciting. 

   On November 11th all of the students at St. Joseph participated in a Remembrance Day ceremony. It was very well done and the students were all very quiet and respectful as they watched. One of the teachers organized a slide show of family members of St. Joseph students and staff who had been in the military. My husbands Grandfather was in the slide show and I was impressed with how many students came up to me after and asked me about the "Sutherland" picture they saw on the screen. 

                    Poppy Pictures Gallery

1. Biography Assignments completed on Monday and presented to
    the class. 
2. After school chat on TUESDAY NOVEMBER 18th until
    approximately 3:30. 
3. Moving on to Short Story Unit