
Friday 21 November 2014

Wrapping Up

This week was all about wrapping up the Fourteenth Goldfish. 

      Ask your child if they enjoyed the ending. I felt the group as a whole really enjoyed the story. We had out live chat on Tuesday after school. The students were so excited to meet the California crew that most of our time was spent asking questions about their personal life and putting names to faces rather than talking about the book. We were shocked to find out they had never heard of poutine! Also, I was shocked to find out that 10+9=21. Overall, I was happy with the event and think the kids enjoyed the experience. I will know to do a few things differently next time but just like Melvin from our story, I'm always learning :-)
      We presented our Biography assignments this week. I was very happy with the work the students put into the presentations. Everyone got up in front of the class and gave an oral presentation about their scientist.  Ask your child what they learned about Jonas Salk, Marie Curie, Isaac Newton, Louis Pasteur, Robert Oppenheimer, and Galileo Galilei. I would assume everyone could tell you at least 1-2 points about each! I talked to the science teachers before going ahead with this project and they said there is no time for a project like this in science. I think it was a great cross-curricular activity that hopefully hooked some of the students who may not love Language studies. The class in California also did a Biography assignment on the same scientist from the novel. We are going to be sharing our final products with each other.

  Short, Short Story Unit

   Over the next two weeks I will be running a short story unit with the grade 7's. We will be introducing elements of short stories and figurative language. 


67's Game on Monday for the grade 7 classes. Anyone who is not going to the 67's game will be grouped together to do different activities throughout the day so I will not see them for our double block.

Final blog post about The Fourteenth Goldfish! I have taken the questions down from 3 to only 2

1. Name 2 messages or themes from the novel The Fourteenth Goldfish. What was the MAIN IDEA?
2. Alternate ending! Come up with an alternate ending for the story.