
Friday 3 October 2014

GO JAGS GO!!!!!                         Jag Jog 2014 

 Congratulations to everyone who participate in the Jag Jog this year! Our school raised almost 21,000 dollars and fun was had by all. 10% of that money raised is donated to the Terry Fox run and the rest is applied to different needs within our school. I had a lot of fun with homeroom 8-6 but saw all of my grade 7 and 8s throughout the day with smiles on their faces. What a great community building event!
The time in class this week was a bit confused. Students were very patient as we worked through technical problems and helped everyone find their school computer password as well as their school gmail account. Missing a period with the Jag Jog and students losing previously typed paragraphs slowed down our progress. We have a paragraph printed for each student and the students now know-Mrs. Sutherland doesn't give up!

   I previewed our Global Read Aloud book entitled- The Fourteenth Goldfish. I will be reading it to the class and we will be connecting online with a class in California reading the same book. While participating in the GRA we will also be starting into our short story unit. The student have shown a lot of interest in writing their own short stories! Very exciting!

Happy Weekend!