
Friday 24 October 2014


    Although outside of the classroom the week was filled with confusion, inside our grade 7 Language class we carried on and found support from our friends in California. 

     I was really touched by the energy the students brought to the interview with a Grandparent assignment. Although some of the students participated in the football game buyout Tuesday afternoon, those who were left eagerly shared the information they learned about their grandparent. I loved hearing about what surprised them and what connections they made to their own life. Most of the students handed in a reflection based on that interview. If they did not get it into me on Friday, I will accept it on Monday with a note from a parent letting me know they are aware it is late. 

   We have continued to read to our GRA novel and the students were asked to make a prediction about the novel. The class in California was also asked to make a prediction. All students are asked to comment on a prediction made by our sister class as well as post their own prediction. 

In class we discussed the following things about our posts:

1. Ensure you re-read your post for spelling and grammatical errors.
2. If you are commenting on someone else's post, start by saying something positive and ensure you explain your ideas in full sentences.

   Some of the students in the California class were very concerned about us and the events our city went through on Wednesday. I would encourage our class to thank them for their concern and reassure them we are ok. 
Girl Rising
      On Monday, we get to participate in a special even in the LC. Mrs. Murray has been able to bring in a special documentary entitled, Girl Rising

Please visit the website and watch the trailer this weekend!

GIRL RISING  website @
Trailer @

Have a great weekend!!

Friday 17 October 2014

Short and Fun Week!!

      In the three periods we had together this week, we checked over our blog posts, commented on another blog post, read introductions about students in our California class and reviewed a reading comprehension activity that was completed last week. 

     The majority of the grade 8 class were away for 3 days on a school trip. This enabled the grade 7's to enjoy empty hallways between classes. The students also had fun participating in an activity day that was organized by the high school GPP class. One of the students in the GPP class is place in our English class. She works with us on Wednsday and Friday. 

    This weekend the students were given a homework assignment. They have been asked to interview a grandparent. Here is a copy of the handout they were given in class. It is to be completed by Tuesday of next week.

              Information/Interview with a Grandparent
In our GRA novel, we are reading about a girl your age, who is getting to know her Grandfather is a new way.  How well do you know your own Grandparents? Pick one specific grandparent and fill out the following questionnaire about them. Call or visit your Grandparent! If that is not possible, have your parent help you answer these to the best of your ability. You will use this information to help you write a reflection for class next week.
1.     Where did they grow up?

2.     How many brothers and sisters did they have?

3.     Where did they go to school? (elementary, secondary, postsecondary)

4.     What kind work did they do for a living?

5.     How old were they when they met their significant other?

6.     What did they do for fun when they were 12 years old?

7.     What hobbies do they have now? How are they different from when they were your age?

8.     Would they ever want to be young again? Why or why not?

9.     If they could give you one piece of advice about being in middle school, what would it be?

On Monday I will be attending a Literacy Workshop and have told the students they will be have an important reading comprehension activity. 

Have a great weekend, see you on Tuesday!

Friday 10 October 2014

GRA and Kidblog

  A short week made even shorter because I had to be away on Monday and miss our double block. The grade 7 class worked very well for the supply teacher who left a wonderful note. I always appreciate getting a good note from a supply teacher! During the time I was away the students worked on a reading comprehension sheet and completed the assignment in class.

     The rest of the week was about rolling out our Global Read Aloud project. I am so happy to say that the students seem to be very excited about this endeavor. We spent some time previewing the book and discussing the themes. We had a lengthy discussion about the concept of "the fountain of youth". We have read 2 chapters of the book together and will continue to read it next week. Ask your child about the book. What do they think it will be about? Who are the characters we have met so far?
      The second element to this project is connecting with another class in a different part of the world. I have made contact with a teacher in Mammoth, California and we are using Kid blog to communicate. The students all logged into their Kidblog accounts and have access to them from home. There were asked to write a short introduction about themselves and talk about their favourite book. Some students in our class were very excited, maybe too excited, to do this task. I would encourage them to go over their blog post. They can edit what they have written and ensure it is done to the best of their ability. I tried to impress on them that I would be reading what they write and that the students in California would also be reading the posts and therefore it was important to put their best foot forward. This is meant to be a learning experience about digital citizenship and online etiquette.


1. Reread your blog post! Ensure you have done what has been asked of you and have presented yourself to our new friends in California properly.

2. Look up where Mammoth Lakes, California is located and come to class Tuesday with some information about where our new friends live! I think you will be surprised- hint: it's not in the OC

     Have a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend!!

Friday 3 October 2014

GO JAGS GO!!!!!                         Jag Jog 2014 

 Congratulations to everyone who participate in the Jag Jog this year! Our school raised almost 21,000 dollars and fun was had by all. 10% of that money raised is donated to the Terry Fox run and the rest is applied to different needs within our school. I had a lot of fun with homeroom 8-6 but saw all of my grade 7 and 8s throughout the day with smiles on their faces. What a great community building event!
The time in class this week was a bit confused. Students were very patient as we worked through technical problems and helped everyone find their school computer password as well as their school gmail account. Missing a period with the Jag Jog and students losing previously typed paragraphs slowed down our progress. We have a paragraph printed for each student and the students now know-Mrs. Sutherland doesn't give up!

   I previewed our Global Read Aloud book entitled- The Fourteenth Goldfish. I will be reading it to the class and we will be connecting online with a class in California reading the same book. While participating in the GRA we will also be starting into our short story unit. The student have shown a lot of interest in writing their own short stories! Very exciting!

Happy Weekend!