
Friday 17 October 2014

Short and Fun Week!!

      In the three periods we had together this week, we checked over our blog posts, commented on another blog post, read introductions about students in our California class and reviewed a reading comprehension activity that was completed last week. 

     The majority of the grade 8 class were away for 3 days on a school trip. This enabled the grade 7's to enjoy empty hallways between classes. The students also had fun participating in an activity day that was organized by the high school GPP class. One of the students in the GPP class is place in our English class. She works with us on Wednsday and Friday. 

    This weekend the students were given a homework assignment. They have been asked to interview a grandparent. Here is a copy of the handout they were given in class. It is to be completed by Tuesday of next week.

              Information/Interview with a Grandparent
In our GRA novel, we are reading about a girl your age, who is getting to know her Grandfather is a new way.  How well do you know your own Grandparents? Pick one specific grandparent and fill out the following questionnaire about them. Call or visit your Grandparent! If that is not possible, have your parent help you answer these to the best of your ability. You will use this information to help you write a reflection for class next week.
1.     Where did they grow up?

2.     How many brothers and sisters did they have?

3.     Where did they go to school? (elementary, secondary, postsecondary)

4.     What kind work did they do for a living?

5.     How old were they when they met their significant other?

6.     What did they do for fun when they were 12 years old?

7.     What hobbies do they have now? How are they different from when they were your age?

8.     Would they ever want to be young again? Why or why not?

9.     If they could give you one piece of advice about being in middle school, what would it be?

On Monday I will be attending a Literacy Workshop and have told the students they will be have an important reading comprehension activity. 

Have a great weekend, see you on Tuesday!