
Friday 10 October 2014

GRA and Kidblog

  A short week made even shorter because I had to be away on Monday and miss our double block. The grade 7 class worked very well for the supply teacher who left a wonderful note. I always appreciate getting a good note from a supply teacher! During the time I was away the students worked on a reading comprehension sheet and completed the assignment in class.

     The rest of the week was about rolling out our Global Read Aloud project. I am so happy to say that the students seem to be very excited about this endeavor. We spent some time previewing the book and discussing the themes. We had a lengthy discussion about the concept of "the fountain of youth". We have read 2 chapters of the book together and will continue to read it next week. Ask your child about the book. What do they think it will be about? Who are the characters we have met so far?
      The second element to this project is connecting with another class in a different part of the world. I have made contact with a teacher in Mammoth, California and we are using Kid blog to communicate. The students all logged into their Kidblog accounts and have access to them from home. There were asked to write a short introduction about themselves and talk about their favourite book. Some students in our class were very excited, maybe too excited, to do this task. I would encourage them to go over their blog post. They can edit what they have written and ensure it is done to the best of their ability. I tried to impress on them that I would be reading what they write and that the students in California would also be reading the posts and therefore it was important to put their best foot forward. This is meant to be a learning experience about digital citizenship and online etiquette.


1. Reread your blog post! Ensure you have done what has been asked of you and have presented yourself to our new friends in California properly.

2. Look up where Mammoth Lakes, California is located and come to class Tuesday with some information about where our new friends live! I think you will be surprised- hint: it's not in the OC

     Have a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend!!