
Friday 24 October 2014


    Although outside of the classroom the week was filled with confusion, inside our grade 7 Language class we carried on and found support from our friends in California. 

     I was really touched by the energy the students brought to the interview with a Grandparent assignment. Although some of the students participated in the football game buyout Tuesday afternoon, those who were left eagerly shared the information they learned about their grandparent. I loved hearing about what surprised them and what connections they made to their own life. Most of the students handed in a reflection based on that interview. If they did not get it into me on Friday, I will accept it on Monday with a note from a parent letting me know they are aware it is late. 

   We have continued to read to our GRA novel and the students were asked to make a prediction about the novel. The class in California was also asked to make a prediction. All students are asked to comment on a prediction made by our sister class as well as post their own prediction. 

In class we discussed the following things about our posts:

1. Ensure you re-read your post for spelling and grammatical errors.
2. If you are commenting on someone else's post, start by saying something positive and ensure you explain your ideas in full sentences.

   Some of the students in the California class were very concerned about us and the events our city went through on Wednesday. I would encourage our class to thank them for their concern and reassure them we are ok. 
Girl Rising
      On Monday, we get to participate in a special even in the LC. Mrs. Murray has been able to bring in a special documentary entitled, Girl Rising

Please visit the website and watch the trailer this weekend!

GIRL RISING  website @
Trailer @

Have a great weekend!!